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Ross McDermott

Ross McDermott
I am a cloud specialist certified in Azure and GCP that enjoys designing simple solutions for complex problems though serverless, paas and container based platforms.
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Recent Posts

Establishing Guardrails with Azure DevOps Pipelines

Posted by Ross McDermott on 03 March 2021

Microsoft, Delivery, Microsoft Azure, Azure Pipelines, Azure DevOps, cloud computing

With the constant evolution of governance, compliance and security, it can be a daunting prospect to balance best practices while promoting lean and efficient delivery approaches.

In this post, we will walk through and demonstrate how using best practices pipeline structures, standardisation, and cross-team...

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Knocking on Azure's Front Door

Posted by Ross McDermott on 18 April 2019

Azure, Azure Front Door, Networking

The ability to create global-scale web applications using Azure infrastructure and services has existed for quite some time but has traditionally been complex to set up and manage with the creation of both global, and region resources. With the go-live release of the Azure Front Door (AFD) service, this just got a...
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